How the OTC Desk Works

Welcome to StarDesk. The place to buy and sell POKT & CDN with white-glove experience.

  • Low commission
  • Transparent transactions - you see current and past prices.
  • True white-glove service with friendly and helpful operators.
  • Communication with buyer and seller notes.
  • Flexibility with min/max ranges.
  • Secure and dependable with test transfers first, reducing risk of misplaced funds.

How our OTC service works for POKT or CDN sale:

  • We reach out to both the buyer and the seller to get their confirmation.
  • Buyer deposits the escrow amount to a private address that is specified by StarDesk (transaction amount + commission). To make sure that everythig is OK, buyer first sends to small amount as a test. They send the rest upon confirmation from us.
  • We let the seller know about the receipt of funds securely in the escrow.
  • Seller sends 5 POKT/CDN to our escrow wallet as a test to make sure addresses/network is correct.
    Upon confirmation from us, seller sends the rest and shares the transaction ID with StarDesk.
  • Upon completion of the transfer of the funds to the our wallet, we release the escrow funds (minus our commission) to the seller. Again, we will first send a small amount to test the transfer. Upon positive confirmation from the seller, we will send the rest.

See Open Orders